The Flavilicious Fitness Program Full-Body-Licious by Flavia Del Monte is an advanced fitness and nutrition plan for women.
The goal of the program is to help women achieve a fit, feminine figure through intense workouts and a proper eating plan.
In this review I’ll go over the details of the Flavilicious Fintess Plan and discuss the workouts it teaches, who is it right for, talk more about the author, etc.
If you’re considering getting this plan for yourself, make sure to read this entire review so you’ll know if it’s right for you.
Flavia Del Monte is the creator of Flavilicious Fitness.
She is a registered nurse, a certified personal trainer, and has a
nutrition certification. This means that she has extensive knowledge of
fitness, health, and proper nutrition. Bascially speaking, she knows a
lot about the human body and how it works.
But this isn’t the only impressive thing about her. What I find very impressive is the physical transformation that Flavia Del Monte went through in order to be at the best shape she can for the Flavilicious Fitness Plan.
As you can see in her picture to the right, Flavia is in phenomenal shape. She has very lot body fat (about 13.5%), great muscle tone, but she still maintains her feminine figure.
This is what most women want: a great looking, tight body but one which doesn’t lose it’s femininity. The thing that scares most women is that by being too fit, they’ll end up looking masculine. It seems that Flavia has that figured out for herself.
Flavilicious Fitness is a program to help women get a “fit, firm, and flawless figure”. The core of the program are the Full-Body-Licious workout Plan.
This is a 5 days a week workout program. On each of the 5 days, you follow a workout video which is about 60 minutes long in which Flavia Del Monte shows you how to train specific body parts.
The goal of each workout is simple: to burn as many calories as possible, to give you a lasting metabolism boost, and to tone your muscles in a way which is feminine and firm.
2. Show off Stomach – This workout video is all about flattening your abs. While all of the workouts in Flavilicious Fitness help you burn body fat (and belly fat), this workout is designed to help you sculpt and tone your tummy. You will do a lot of core and balance exercises in this video. These are not your typical belly exercises so you should expect a real challenge here.
3. Booty Booster – One of the main problem areas that women have are their buttocks. This workout video is focused on toning, lifting, and firming the buns. The exercises in this workout target all 3 major muscles in the buttocks to make sure you tone your buns from all angles and give it a lifted, rounded look.
4. Sleek and Shapely Shoulders – You can’t get an hourglass figure without working on your shoulders. This means that you need to add a bit of muscle size to your shoulders to make sure they look sculpted and firm. This upper body workout will challenge your arms and shoulders as you’ve probably never been challenged before.
5. Beautiful Backside – If you’re worried about that extra back fat (or bra fat), this workout will help. With intense back exercises, you will tone and sculpt your upper and lower back to make sure you look good from the back as you do from the front.
You may have noticed from my writing that I believe that Flavilicious Fitness is a solid and high quality program. I do. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s right for you.
The main thing you need to know about this plan is that it’s very intense. You will need to push yourself and your body to greater exertion that you may be used to.
I’m not saying that you already need to be fit to do this program. You can start even if you’re not used to working out and gradually increase intensity. However, you need to be aware that this plan requires a big effort on your part.
This is true for a number of reasons:
The F.O.R.C.E. formula is not easy, it’s TOUGH and that’s the exact reason it will not fail you like every “quick and easy” method has mislead you.
Whether you’re a busy college student, mom, career-lady, making a fitness comeback or long-time fitness buff… it’s possible for anyone to achieve the eye-catching physique most women dream about…
Before you experience the power and breath-taking results you deserve, I’ll let some of the real users from my TEST GROUP – Flavilicious Females as I like to nickname them – tell you what it’s like to get the strong and sexy physique you’ve always wanted…
If you're looking for another "quick-fix" that can happen in "1-2 weeks" then this is not for you. I know you're too smart to fall for that, which is why you're still reading.
I know you want to have a fit and firm body that screams confidence and competence. Strong is the new sexy!
Flavilicious Fitness is a great workout plan for women
who want to get in top shape, burn lots of body fat, and get lean in a
feminine way. If you’re ready to make a real commitment this is a
recommended resource.
Today – I want you to take control of every curve on your body and make no excuses so you can hold your head high and shatter your body's limitations.
In this step-by-step, 5-Day Hardcopy DVD Series, I carefully lay out every single detail of your workout to eliminate all the guesswork � no grey areas; straight to the point.
Want to keep messing with flawed and faulty workouts?
Or one that is so effective that your flab is already lined up for unemployment!?
You know what you must do.
The goal of the program is to help women achieve a fit, feminine figure through intense workouts and a proper eating plan.
In this review I’ll go over the details of the Flavilicious Fintess Plan and discuss the workouts it teaches, who is it right for, talk more about the author, etc.
If you’re considering getting this plan for yourself, make sure to read this entire review so you’ll know if it’s right for you.
Who is Flavia Del Monte?
But this isn’t the only impressive thing about her. What I find very impressive is the physical transformation that Flavia Del Monte went through in order to be at the best shape she can for the Flavilicious Fitness Plan.
As you can see in her picture to the right, Flavia is in phenomenal shape. She has very lot body fat (about 13.5%), great muscle tone, but she still maintains her feminine figure.
This is what most women want: a great looking, tight body but one which doesn’t lose it’s femininity. The thing that scares most women is that by being too fit, they’ll end up looking masculine. It seems that Flavia has that figured out for herself.
What is The Flavilicious Fitness Program?
This is a 5 days a week workout program. On each of the 5 days, you follow a workout video which is about 60 minutes long in which Flavia Del Monte shows you how to train specific body parts.
The goal of each workout is simple: to burn as many calories as possible, to give you a lasting metabolism boost, and to tone your muscles in a way which is feminine and firm.
The 5 Full-Body-Licious Videos include the following:
1. Tight and Trim Thighs – In this workout video you’ll do intense exercises which are designed to both strengthen and lengthen your thighs. This workout video includes a variety of dynamic lower body exercises which will sculpt your thighs, hamstrings, and calves.2. Show off Stomach – This workout video is all about flattening your abs. While all of the workouts in Flavilicious Fitness help you burn body fat (and belly fat), this workout is designed to help you sculpt and tone your tummy. You will do a lot of core and balance exercises in this video. These are not your typical belly exercises so you should expect a real challenge here.
3. Booty Booster – One of the main problem areas that women have are their buttocks. This workout video is focused on toning, lifting, and firming the buns. The exercises in this workout target all 3 major muscles in the buttocks to make sure you tone your buns from all angles and give it a lifted, rounded look.
4. Sleek and Shapely Shoulders – You can’t get an hourglass figure without working on your shoulders. This means that you need to add a bit of muscle size to your shoulders to make sure they look sculpted and firm. This upper body workout will challenge your arms and shoulders as you’ve probably never been challenged before.
5. Beautiful Backside – If you’re worried about that extra back fat (or bra fat), this workout will help. With intense back exercises, you will tone and sculpt your upper and lower back to make sure you look good from the back as you do from the front.
>>> Click Here to Get Your Copy of Flavilicious Fitness <<<
Is This Program For You?
The main thing you need to know about this plan is that it’s very intense. You will need to push yourself and your body to greater exertion that you may be used to.
I’m not saying that you already need to be fit to do this program. You can start even if you’re not used to working out and gradually increase intensity. However, you need to be aware that this plan requires a big effort on your part.
This is true for a number of reasons:
- The workout schedule is busy. 5 workouts a week, each of them an hour long requires a commitment.
- Each workout is made of dynamic, big movement, exercises that are very challenging.
The F.O.R.C.E. formula is not easy, it’s TOUGH and that’s the exact reason it will not fail you like every “quick and easy” method has mislead you.
Whether you’re a busy college student, mom, career-lady, making a fitness comeback or long-time fitness buff… it’s possible for anyone to achieve the eye-catching physique most women dream about…
Before you experience the power and breath-taking results you deserve, I’ll let some of the real users from my TEST GROUP – Flavilicious Females as I like to nickname them – tell you what it’s like to get the strong and sexy physique you’ve always wanted…
Could see her abs after one week on Flavia's program
"Thank you for letting me be a part of your test group. I have
learned so much especially in nutrition. I am very excited to start
your next program. I hope you are proud. Membership to a gym isn't an
option for me having 3 little children. Why I love Flavia's program is
because I can do it at home or on the road (which I did). I could see
the results right away. The exercises are diverse and targets all areas
so I never
got bored. The nutrition program was all new and extremely interesting. I
learned to eat in a completely new way. Nutrition is my weak area but
the knowledge I have gained is amazing! I will never eat the same. I
could see my abs in one week of following Flavia's program. I lost 1
inch off my rump in 1 week and 2 inches off my thighs in 1 1/2 weeks. My
love handles were gone within the second week. Flavia has designed this
program so that anyone can be successful!"
Iowa, USA
Iowa, USA
33 years old, I’m Russian, I live in Dubai, UAE, I have 4 year old
daughter. Im 165 sm tall and my weight is 65 kg. My body fat %-age is
between 24 to 26%and most of it is on my lower body. I have been
struggling with my body fat almost all my life! I was born 4,8 kg (big
baby!) and at the age of 8 I was diagnosed 2nd stage of OBESITY. My
worst time was when I gained more than 35kg during my pregnancy. It’s
been about 4 years now and honestly, Im confused now….because Im trying
just about every new program available and still can’t get rid of that
last 10 kg of fatIn 6 weeks I dropped 3kg of fat – few inches here and
there. I went from 25% to 22% of body fat. Not bad! Now im setting new
goals and want to be 15% body fat! Thx for your support and advice.”
UAE, Dubai
Finally, a Female Fitness Formula That’s Based On Safe & Intelligent Science, Proven-By-Females And Created By A Female To Unleash Your Max Potential!
This is not about making you "lose weight" or "get skinny" because there are already hundreds of unhealthy and unsafe ways that can do that for you.
If you're looking for another "quick-fix" that can happen in "1-2 weeks" then this is not for you. I know you're too smart to fall for that, which is why you're still reading.
I know you want to have a fit and firm body that screams confidence and competence. Strong is the new sexy!
In Conclusion
Today – I want you to take control of every curve on your body and make no excuses so you can hold your head high and shatter your body's limitations.
In this step-by-step, 5-Day Hardcopy DVD Series, I carefully lay out every single detail of your workout to eliminate all the guesswork � no grey areas; straight to the point.
- Five workouts a week.
- 60 minutes a workout.
- Copy me and get results.
Or one that is so effective that your flab is already lined up for unemployment!?
You know what you must do.